HOT ROCKS: New Releases from Green Day, Stone Temple Pilots, Liam Gallagher, DIO, and Sepultura Vinny Cecolini Albums February 23, 2020
Queued Up: Exploring the World of Bong Joon-Ho (‘Parasite’), plus ‘Doctor Sleep,’ ‘The Siren,’ ‘Scandalous,’ ‘Untouchable,’ and more. Bryan Reesman Queued Up February 24, 2020
Phish’s Mike Gordon & Jon Fishman Perform at Bernie Sanders Super Tuesday Rally Dan Alleva Going On in NYC March 4, 2020
Makin Waves with Solace Bob Makin Columns February 4, 2020 0When I was a young upstart in the New Jersey music scene during the alternative rock boom of the late...
Makin’ Waves—The Makin’ Waves Dirty Jersey Dozen Bob Makin Columns January 1, 2020 0Makin Waves Dirty Jersey Dozen are left to right from top: Cold Weather Company, The Cryptkeeper Five, Katie Henry, Bobby...
Makin Waves with Dentist: Feeding the Beat Bob Makin Columns December 4, 2019 0Out of the many Jersey bands makin’ waves, Dentist seem to be surfing some of the largest. With a couple...
Truth Hurts! Makin Waves with Brittney Dixon and Band of Hard Truths Bob Makin Columns November 6, 2019 0Brittney Dixon is the youngest person ever to win the Makin Waves Tsunami Award, this 31-year-old column’s annual nonperformer recognition...
Makin’ Waves with Levy & the Oaks: In Your Face! Bob Makin Columns September 4, 2019 0Levy & the Oaks are a relatively new band featuring four well-established veterans of the New Jersey music scene. Front...
Makin Waves with Little Vicious: Rappin’ Redemption with the Riff Witch! Bob Makin Columns August 7, 2019 0Asbury Park/Orlando-based Marguerite King’s tale of musical and personal redemption is as passionate as the pursuit of her dreams with...
Makin’ Waves with Chalk and the Beige Americans Arts Weekly Columns July 3, 2019 0On the eve of the Garden State Hip Hop and Makin Waves Summer Rap ‘n’ Rock Tour, Chalk and the...
Makin’ Waves with Green Knuckle Material Bob Makin Columns June 11, 2019 0“Never say die” is a motto few bands live up to as intensely and successfully as New Brunswick-based Green Knuckle...
Makin Waves: The Carousers Bob Makin Columns May 1, 2019 0In preview of the opening “Joey Nite” of the Makin Waves Fest on May 17 at the Brighton Bar in...
Makin Waves: Defiance Engine Bob Makin Columns April 2, 2019 0Jim Hogan has been bassist in two legendary Jersey Shore bands: hardcore punk outfit Dirge, featuring front man Jacko Monahan,...