Jess Lynn Hess

Rachel Platten Releases Her Inner Most Feelings on New Album

A month after her new album dropped, the esteemed songstress got to chatting with our own Robert Frezza.

Rachel Platten has crafted some beautiful, heartwarming, emotional songs throughout her career, but none that stand out so bravely as “Fight Song” does. Released in 2015, the self-empowerment anthem has stood the test of time with the public on so many different levels – from mental health to coping and struggling with sickness to death. Her lyrics speaks volumes and creates comfort for those who need them, whether it be women or men, and people of all ages. 

Platten is back with a new project now and her music continues to strike a chord. Her new album, I Am Rachel Platten, came out last month and is an incredible collection of songs that helped her not only on her journey, but those of others. If her mission was to spread positivity and strength through, she has completed it 10 times over.

She has grown ever so humbly from the start of her career, as well, especially since her 2003 debut Trust In Me, and massively since her major label debut in 2016, as well. That record, Wildfire, is what has led us to today’s I Am Rachel Platten.

We sat down with the singer-songwriter Rachel Platten to discuss, fame, this new collection of songs, and how her biggest hit still resonates in 2024. 

Before creating this new project, did you want to tap into the feelings of “Fight Song” again? If so, how did you?

I don’t think there was much intention as a whole with what exactly what I was exactly going to capture. I was kind of eager at the beginning of writing this record to show a different side of me. I love my “Fight Song” side and love the empowered version of me. I’m still human, and I don’t know how much the public really knows about me. I had children and went through a lot. Writing this new record was healing for me and cathartic for me. I’m a songwriter at heart and love writing my about my life experiences for the new album. 

“Fight Song” is still an anthem, though. It still connects with people on so many levels. 

It’s really incredible to me; it’s a songwriter’s dream that stood the test of time. You dream as an artist and a songwriter is that there will be a small part of a song that would be healing or encouraging for some people. It came out when I was 33 and after had been rejected so many times in the music industry. I cannot imagine on what it has done and what it still does. 

How are people reacting to the new album and what kind of feedback are you getting?

I am so amazed by the emotional reactions people are having. It felt like in the same spirit of “Fight Song” without intending to be. There was an earned empowerment in this project with a woman who went through hell and back, but who found strength and light, and also faced the light again. 

I heard people save money and therapy and listen to these songs, or thank you having me allow me to cry and put these emotions out. It is like soul food for people. It’s been beautiful. I love reading the messages and the depth of the messages. 

It doesn’t just relate to women of a certain age. These are universal themes about facing our demons and going into the dark and realizing you are strong enough. It’s not as easy for a man to be vulnerable either, but these songs were intended for everyone. 

You recorded the album in Nashville. How come?

I have roots in Tennessee. My mom is originally from there. I always had a love for Nashville and how seriously they take the craft of songwriting there. There’s this song writing community in Nashville that I have an affinity for. My producers were pitching me on how to do this album. Part of the pitch was to record this album in Nashville and find the best musicians you cannot get anywhere else. It sounded like a dream to me. I was sick and burnt out with bedroom pop and the one-person production. I wanted the warmth and realness of real instruments. The Americana-folk roots side of country is what I’m really interested in.

Why did you wait so long to put out new music again?

It wasn’t intentional. I put out some music, but nothing felt worthy of an album. I was going through a lot with my mental health. I wasn’t ready to share all the vulnerability with the new music. It took courage. They were like journal entries and there was no barrier between me and anyone else anymore. These are some of my deepest darkest feelings. I must live my songs not just pump them out.

Motherhood was changing me, as well. It took me a while to figure out who I am and what do I want to say to the world and what does this next chapter look like.

I wanted to make my own Tapestry. I relate to Carly Simon, Joni Mitchell, Carole King. I relate more as an artist to them than I do as some artists of our time. I love how everyone celebrates the songwriters behind the women, too. 

Your singles are soft, piano-driven ballads. You do have some up-tempo bops on here, too.

I was very intentional about how I wanted to come back. The transition made sense for me. My husband and I run our label, as well. I was so public with all the mental health issues I went through. I wanted to weave a very specific narrative at first, but now I want to move into the rock and roll side of the album. This is the first album that I was fully in charge. I want to be recognized for my songwriting at my depth at first. 

You don’t seem fazed by fame.

I think I was headed in that direction in 2016 or 2017. It didn’t feel authentic to me. I’m not judging anyone or anything, but I always wanted to promote storytelling, truth, and hope. I just want to be me. Although my ego was crushed early on in my music career, I found myself all over again. I approach things with humility and gratitude now. 

How will these new songs translate in front of live audience?

I asked my fans via social media how they want to experience these songs live. Most of them said in a small setting. I want everyone to feel their feelings and I also want to uplift the audiences. It will definitely be intimate for the first round of shows, then I’d like to grow larger.