Congrats to my brother, PJ Farley, from Trixter, RA, Eric Martin Band,and just about every cover band in New Jersey. PJ just inked a deal with a record label called HighVolMusic to release his next solo album, Accent the Change. HighVolMusic represents bands like Every Mother’s Nightmare, Ron Keel Band, and Tattoo Tony’s Broken Past. If Accent the Change is anything like Boutique Sound Frames, this will be a great signing for HighVolMusic. PJ will also be playing bass on the new RA record. For more info PJ Farley and his new solo record, visit

Next Wednesday night (2/12), my buds from Dead Fish Handshake will be returning to the stage at Bergen PAC in Englewood, NJ to share the stage with Collective Soul, the band who brought us “Shine,” “Gel,” “The World I Know,” and “December.” Dead Fish Handshake has new music coming out this year as well. So, keeps those ears open for that. For more info on Dead Fish Handshake or to grab tickets to see them with Collective Soul, visit

My boy Tommy London, former voice of The Dirty Pearls and current weekend deejay on Sirius/XM’s Hair Nation, will be releasing a music video for his latest single “Boom Boom Boom.” The video was once again directed by Panzie*front man Jasin Cadic, who also shot Tommy’s last music video for “Make You Love Me.” That video was pretty awesome and made me really miss New York City, so I’m sure “Boom Boom Boom” will be just as fantastic. For more info on Tommy London and his new video “Boom Boom Boom,” visit

I just learned that Robots and Monstersfront man Dylan Gadino has a new project called Kings Never Die. These guys are as hardcore as they come. They recently played a bunch of shows with a couple of hardcore legends Leewayand Madball. The band also just released their first single “Raise A Glass” available anywhere music is streamed or sold. The song is pretty bad ass and Dylan’s performance on this track is impressive. For more on Kings Never Die, visit

And, finally, it breaks my heart to hear the latest Killcode news. Bassist and co-founder Erric Bonesmith has decided to step down as bass player of the band after 12 years. Erric said in a Facebook post on the band’s page, “This is not goodbye, but merely see ya later!” I chatted with Erric for a minute or two when the news broke, and he said that he needed to focus on his family and watch his girls grow. I totally get that! I told Erric that I was just happy to hear that it had nothing to do with his health and that family is always first. At my age, it just sucks to see your friends from the music scene take a break because who really knows if they’ll ever come back. Erric says he promises that this is just a break and that he will be back on the scene. As for Killcode, there is a void to fill. No word yet on Erric’s replacement, but I’m sure we will learn soon. For more on Erric Bonesmith and where he ends up next, visit For more on Killcode, visit
That’s all for now! If your band is from North Jersey, and you want some exposure, send your press kits to Arts Weekly, c/o Tim Louie P.O. Box 1140, Little Falls, NJ 07424, or you can email me at, where you can also let me know where you’re performing next!
Just remember….We’re all in the same boat, so every little bit of exposure counts!
Tim Louie is the Author of S**t Happens.