He’s Indie, He’s Pop, He’s Alex Cameron
by Debra Kate Schafer
On August 1 at White Eagle Hall there will be an Australian musician performing; a synth-pop, indie rock gem of a man. Alex Cameron brings light to a world of darkness as he takes the uncomfortable, the unforgivable, and the undeniable and creates a perfectly sculpted home for them all within his music. Danceable rhythms, slick melodies, and — relatively modernized — ‘80s vibes create the perfect musical escape. “Runnin’ Out of Luck,” co-written by The Killers’ Brandon Flowers, is off of his acclaimed record of 2017, Forced Witness, and is an outstanding track that encapsulates all of him both lyrically and rhythmically. All I can say is that it is beyond necessary to hear that song and more of Cameron’s music live. To catch that August 1 show in Jersey City, go to whiteeaglehalljc.com.

Celebrate 25 Years and More With Counting Crows
by Debra Kate Schafer
The legendary alternative rock band Counting Crows have taken the bull by its horns and put their hearts and souls back into the music that made them who they are. The multi-platinum group touring alongside them has newly reunited the original lineup and is simply a band who is releasing music with as much passion for rock ‘n’ roll as ever before. Live, a hard rock group of misfits, has just released their first song in 10 years and puts all differences and history aside because the music, the drum beats, and the semi-bluesy rawness of the group is what will always shine through. They are dedicated rock stars, for sure. For tickets to see this celebratory tour at PNC Bank Arts Center on August 14, go to livenation.com.

Jersey City: Listen Up for The Shacks
by Debra Kate Schafer
This alternative duo is one of the most interesting and mystical in the music industry these days. Why? The Shacks are actually honest musicians with a solid goal in mind. They want to write real music, perform real music, talk about life, be relatable, and bond with their audience and their fans. The duo reflects on experience and the world with lyrics that are out of this world, personal, and even catchy. Their songs are simple and melodic and have the least bit of manufacturing. It’s honest music with traces of pop found amidst a sea of indie meanings and alternative style. The Shacks are coming to put on their special, unique, and honest show on August 4 at Monty Hall in Jersey City. For more info go to ticketfly.com.

A Hit UK Trio Comes To NYC
by Debra Kate Schafer
Have you heard of the band GoGo Penguin before? If you had, you surely would have remember it, for it is different, clever, and clearly quite funny. Well, now is your time to hear about the band with more than a memorable name, but a memorable sound to match! The trio hails from the UK and takes electronica to a new dimension. Their fired up live performances pay homage to what they are best known for: electronic drum beats, thick bass notes, and traces of the most simply played piano. GoGo Penguin makes music for your soul, not just your ears. It’s classical and acoustic, yet vehement and bouncy. It’s genre blending madness that should never be stopped. Their Bowery Ballroom concert on August 8 should not be missed and tickets will sell out, so head to ticketfly.com to get yours.

Texas Blues Never Looked So Good
by Mike Greenblatt
The Ally Venable Band has the capability of totally rocking your socks off with their two-fisted rock ’n’ rolling brand of the blues. On August 17, this hotshot teenager will positively bring it to the stage of The Cutting Room in New York City where she will, no doubt, raise the roof playing songs off her incendiary Puppet Show CD. To make sure her Manhattan debut will work, Steve Krase, one of America’s great blues-harp maestros, will be blowing bigtime behind this supremely talented singer/songwriter/lead guitarist and her raucous band of merry men straight from the heart of Texas.