Local rockers, we meet again. I have definitely been feeling the vibe lately with so many of you commenting on the bands I have on my radar and meeting so many new faces out at local venues. Keep it up! It’s funny, sometimes when I run into people they ask me, “Maria, is there anything you don’t like?” Well, the answer there, my friends, is yes, there is a lot of stuff I don’t like. In fact, I dislike more music than I like. I think we can all agree that a lot of stuff out there sounds the same these days. But I will just not take the time to focus on the undesirable, or bring to the spotlight things that I do not enjoy. Writing is much more pleasurable when you truly enjoy what you are describing. Hence why my local radar is always lighting up! Now, this week I am going to stick to a theme. I’m going to be writing about artists who have gained attention through other things, strived to keep it renewed and original, and ventured off on their own to give it a whirl. They have talent that they can’t keep bottled up, and need to focus on various different elements. After all, that’s what entertainment is all about; keeping it fresh! I’m a firm believer and advocator that if you can do it all, you might as well. So without any further hesitation, please allow me to introduce to you The Black Jesuses and Kiirstin Marilyn.
Let’s discuss a duo that goes by the name of The Black Jesuses, residing from Asbury Park. Do I know the meaning behind the name? Does it matter or influence my opinion of them? No, it doesn’t. Now, I have always been hesitant about calling two people a band, and that is a whole other argument, but these two put out an astounding style of rock music. Dave and Sam are quite the duo, and you may recognize them both from a local band called The Parlor Mob. I am certain most of you have heard of them. Yeah, I know, there are things in life that we just don’t want to see change because they’re so damn good the way they are. They’re comfort food for the soul. And although they are not The Parlor Mob, let me just say The Black Jesuses are comfort food for me. I think it’s super cool when members of other bands start their own side-projects, and this one is a recipe for success. It just goes to show how talented these two really are, that they can create something brand new and turn it into a fine masterpiece. They’re creating something raw, with energy and feeling, no matter how “minimal” of a roster it is. Sam continues to annihilate the drums. He’s been one of my favorite drummers for quite some time, I’ve followed his career, and I love the way he plays. He throws his whole body and emotions into each song, and it’s extremely entertaining to watch. On the other hand, Dave continues stringing on his guitar, but also becomes the mouthpiece, which is not what Parlor Mob fans may be used too. But, if you are a true fan of their music, you will know that being on vocals is nothing new for him. His vocal assortment is very attention-grabbing, and really helps add variety and range to the music. They’re quite comfortable with themselves and their musical formulation, as they should be, because it works quite well. They have somewhat odd song titles and lyrics, but in the finest way possible. Even with their simpleminded musical styles, they’re still putting out more a more interesting sound than the rest of the lot. If their sound isn’t initially ear-appealing to you (though many are exhilarated by this sort of music), I have found its quirky storytelling worthy of many listens. It’s bluesy, fast, dark, and emotive at times. It’s pretty much cool music without any artificial ingredients. Their live set is the kind of performance that brings people in and catches their attention. They like to keep it simple in laid back atmospheres by playing in front of small, intimate groups of listeners. It’s simplicity at its best, and a lot of people used to modern music can’t grasp simplicity. Great music doesn’t need technology to make it big, and that is proof here. If you’re looking for a fun evening out with good entertainment, check out The Black Jesuses’ schedule.
Next, I am going to focus on an artist named Kiirstin Marilyn. Although this woman needs no introduction, I am going to provide you with a brief one regardless. You may know her as the frontwoman of a group that once went by the name of Verity In Stereo. They dominated the local scene for quite some time with their fresh sound and impressive fanbase. Now she is out to tackle something different, and she is focusing on a different project; solo stuff. Kiirstin has an unearthly sound, in the most non-insulting way I can imagine. Her sound and style are about to change the course of music. It’s rhythmically expressive and experimental with musical structures that fuse the styles from way back when and present day sounds into gloomy, moody, atmospheric experiences. And after all of that, it somehow becomes enveloped in a package of contemporary hip beats that take her songwriting and lyrics to fascinating art altitudes. Let’s just say she is distinctive and addicting. Not that this matters by any means, but she also has the look. A lovely young woman with exceptional style who can sing? What else could you ask for? I thoroughly enjoy her music to its entirety. Every song is strikingly dissimilar from the last, and each feels like an experiment gone incredibly right. It’s refreshing to hear a genre-breaking artist, for she has a little bit of everything. Two of my favorite tracks are “Radioactive” and “For Peace.” However, do not let those two tracks distract you from all of her other great music. Music lovers of any and all genres do yourself a favor and check her out, for you will not regret it.
So there you have it, musicians that have done it all and still strive to break out in other angles. It works, and it’s quite simple; just add water and mix! I hope you enjoy The Black Jesuses and Kiirstin Marilyn, and may they open your eyes to new styles of music that will slowly but surely take over the world! These are artists that are influential, unique, and easy to listen to. They’ve been around the game for a while and understand how it works. So, until next week, my friends, indulge in some freshness, and open your eyes and ears to this local radar!