Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone effortlessly turned the music-comedy world upside down when they debuted on Saturday Night Live as The Lonely Island. For six years now, the trio has reached Internet success and infamy for digital shorts including “Lazy Sunday,” “I’m On A Boat,” and of course, “Dick In A Box.” But the group is back with a vengeance on their follow-up album, which features a roster of more hilarious spoofs and skits that have been featured on the web.
The Lonely Island open up with a bang on the aptly titled “We’re Back,” a Jay-Z inspired, gangsta opus about their rise to Grammy-winning fame. The trio has the verbal swagger and cockiness to blend in with commercial tracks, especially on songs “Trouble On Dookie Island,” “Threw It On The Ground” and “Rocky.” Even when they venture into an Eminem-like verbal purge of emotions on the bitter track “Mama,” Samberg, Schaffer and Taccone pay homage to rap’s highest powers with hints of juvenile, white-boy goofiness.
Although the guys can sturdily stand alone on their tracks, it is the album’s special appearances and collaborations that make it a gem. They span a range of genres, however, it is The Lonely Island’s morphing of musical style that helps each collaboration fit effortlessly into their beloved interpretations of rap. “I Just Had Sex” features that signature Akon croon and synth R&B style, while “Attracted To Us” has a Beastie Boys delivery, complete with quirky instrumentals to complement Beck’s indie following, and “After Party,” featuring Santigold, carries the electro-dance vibe the singer is recognized for.
The album is sprinkled with tracks featured on the group’s digital shorts, including “The Creep (ft. Nicki Minaj),” “Jack Sparrow” (which proudly shows off Michael Bolton’s raspy wale) and the beloved Justin Timberlake collaboration, “Motherlover.” However, it’s Snoop Dogg’s contribution to the title track that is the true stand out. It has the swag and contagious beat of a hot, summer club track. It also proves that The Lonely Island is so gangster, they’re backed by the Doggfather himself.
In A Word: Ridiculous