I’m curious about your college major.
I have a BA in English and a minor in Political Science from Louisiana State University. I graduated in ’90. I was going to get a Law degree so I took the LSAT and knew I wanted to be in entertainment in some respect, too. So I figured I’d get a law degree, maybe get into production, maybe be an agent or something, entertainment law, I knew it was going to be something like that. I worked at a big agency in L.A. in the early ’90s but I decided I wanted to have them work for me instead. Music ended up winning out.
Since Better Than Ezra has been around since the late-’80s, have you ever thought about heading out solo?
I’ve thought about it but the fact of the matter is that it’s really hard these days to have a band name, a brand, that people know the name. So if I went off and did the Kevin Griffin solo album, in the scheme of things no one knows who Kevin Griffin is or no one knows me as anything other than the singer of Better Than Ezra. I’m happy to release a new Better Than Ezra album and the band’s great and I get to talk to people like you and tour so it’s cool.
It seems like solo artists either make a success of a solo career or are always followed around by that footnote, ‘former singer of X band.’
Yeah, I don’t want to do that. I’ve been working with this band for 20 years and I love it so…
Catch For Better Than Ezra on June 17 at The Trocadero in Philly and on June 19 at The Filmore @ Irving Plaza in NYC. For more info, visit betterthanezra.com.